Guestbook Archive 2009


submitted on November 23, 2009 11:30 PM EST

Name: Hau

Comments: I am an 18year old college student, currently attending Kutztown University for the fall. I will be going to Moravian College where I hope to graduate with a Nursing Degree in order to be a MedVac Pilot. While at The Gress Mountain Ranch, I enjoy meeting all the animals and learning from them. It's a good way to see all the work that goes into caring for the animals. I believe it's a great experience for people of any age to give back to the community and also gain alot of "heart." It's a great work out, physically,"you don't need to go to the gym, Just go to TGMR"!

submitted on November 16, 2009 12:05 AM EST

Name: JoEllen

Comments: Joellen-Animal loving 16yr old. I enjoy feeding the animals, like our older horse, Ellie, goat Samson, our alpacas Bondy and our donkey Cecely. I didn't expect to have as much fun as I am doing....this community service at The Gress Mountian Ranch, but I'm grateful to have this experience with all the animals. JoEllen & Stephanie..

submitted on October 19, 2009 1:15 AM EST

Name: Sharon Ruhf

Comments: Last year when the crowd left, I petted Elle and told her I loved her. She hugged me, God love her. Couldn't get there this year to see her but I remember all of them every day.

submitted on October 14, 2009 2:01 PM EST

Name: Lindsey Calhoun

Comments: I love coming out to the farm and i'm looking forward to the open gate farm tour on the 18th i hope i can help out the ranch with my massages and raise much need funds for you guys as well!! bless you all!

submitted on August 29, 2009 11:06 PM EST

Name: Mia and Dante

Comments: We like helping Miss Kathryn will all the animals....Feeding Andrew, the turkeys & ducks, the piggies, and even cleaning up the piggy poopy. We are very glad there is a special place for people & animals at The Gress Moutain Ranch, in Orefield, Pa. Thanks for having us volunteer at young ages, 6 & 10years. We love all the animals, and you both treat us very "special." Thanks for having the ranch so we can come and help the animals & you!

submitted on August 24, 2009 7:46 AM EST

Name: Jessica Oscavich

Comments: My mom and I volunteered at the ranch over the summer and found it to be a very rewarding experience. I'm using the time towards my community service for Liberty High School. My role was to help out with feeding the animals and cleaning their stalls/pens/pastures. What I leared through this project is that helping the community out can be fun while being hard work at the same time. I grew personally from my experience by learning how rewarding it is to help people/animals in need. I would recommend this agency to others because if you really want to work with animals, it's a great way to be up close with them and take care of them. I learned alot from Kathry and love all the animals there.

submitted on May 28, 2009 5:33 PM EST

Name: cheryl mccalmon

Comments: hoe lovely !

submitted on May 26, 2009 1:52 PM EST

Name: Tracy Blizniak

Comments: Love what you and your volunteers are doing for the animals as well as people. I am going to sign up to volunteer.

submitted on May 15, 2009 12:50 PM EST

Name: Melissa Bachert

Comments: I have been working at the Gress Mountain Ranch for a week and I absolutely love it there. The animals are great. Very well trained. It has been such an awesome experience for me so far and I am excited to keep working with the animals.

submitted on April 12, 2009 10:24 AM EST

Name: Logan Carrigan

Comments: Found the ranch from the community service office at Liberty High School and have received many hours from Kathy and Ben. It's a lot of fun at the ranch and I suggest to anyone who loves animals and the outdoors. There's always something to do at the ranch and your help is always appreciated. You won't find nicer people then Kathy and Ben. Thanks guys so much for letting me help you out and Happy Easter!

submitted on April 10, 2009 2:41 PM EST

Name: Barb Joseph

Comments: I have been a volunteer once a week for approximately five weeks. Kathryn and Ben have opened their hearts and home and dedicated themselves to the care of these wonderful animals. My work at the ranch is far different from any type of work I have done before. I find it challenging (herding the pigs into their stable, for example), and Kathryn and Ben have shown great patience with my inexperience. Each week I learn something new about the animals in general and get better acquainted with the animals individually. I have found this experience to be emotionally rewarding, educational and fun. I highly recommend it.

submitted on March 25, 2009 8:36 AM EST

Name: charlotte tatu

Comments: just viewed the pbs special about your ranch, im much interested in volunteering my time to help in any way you might need me

submitted on February 26, 2009 12:31 PM EST

Name: Bill Hughes

Comments: Since my graduation in January 2009 I have enjoyed volunteering, especially with the horses. Ellie the Belgium draft horse is a real charmer.

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