Guestbook Archive 2008


submitted on December 9, 2008 10:01 AM EST

Name: Sylvia J. Merkel

Comments: I recently found out about Gress Mountain Ranch thru the Morning Call. This place is wonderful. I believe in their mission to help our dear helpless animals. If some one wants to have a great day and an emotional lift, stop by at Gress Mountain Ranch and meet all the wonderful guest at the ranch. This is a place where no one grumbles except maybe our pot belly pigs( LeRoy and Pearl) oh they are so cute. The view is gorgeous, air is fresh and if you want you can get some exercise while helping in this wonderful cause. Any help would be appreciated from repairing fencing, building a shelter shed to dropping off a bag of apples, oranges and applesauce for their meds. They have a wonderful web site explaning their cause and how you can help.

submitted on October 7, 2008 7:56 PM EST

Name: Kelsey Hopton

Comments: I am a student in the Veterinary Technician (NURSE!) Program at Northampton Community College, and for a paper we were to shadow a place that cared for animals and write our experience. A fellow Vet Tech student and I found GMR on the Vet Tech bulletin board and came out this week. We both worked hands on and went step-by-step with Kathryn & Ben and experienced how hard they work every single day to make sure that each and every animal is taken care of. It is a tough job!! I have so much respect for both of them, and admire Kathryn so much for her loyalty, dedication, compassion, and ultimate LOVE of each animal that she has ever dealt with, not just the ones in her care at the moment. She talks of her late pets as you would hear someone speak of their children or family member-because, she cares for them as if they were. It's an amazing place to go, for many more reasons than the animals themselves. To see two people care so much is a rare and wonderful thing. Thanks so much Kathryn & Ben! I'll be talking to you & most likely seeing you soon! :)

submitted on August 26, 2008 7:03 PM EST

Name: Larines Rodriguez

Comments: I'm a volunteer at the ranch. I'm 17 years old and a senior at Willam Allen High school and I'm doing my graduation project here. So far its going great, in the begining its hard because you're getting used to it and the routine that goes with it. But I love it, because I'm learning and I'm getting hands on experience with the animals and just beign outside, the veiw is amazin, when you stop and stare. If you ever get a chance to visit the ranch you will love it, it's quiet except feeding time and when Rocky and Kala bark. For me going to the ranch is a relaxing, because when I'm grooming the animals or walking, it just makes me think and I get relax and I love feeling that way.

submitted on August 4, 2008 5:40 PM EST

Name: Kerri Kelly

Comments: You are doing such good work. Helping the disabled and caring for helpless animals is a wonderful thing to do. If only there were more angels like you in this world....!!

submitted on July 18, 2008 3:59 PM EST

Name: Kiran

Comments: Working at the Gress Mountain Ranch is very relaxing, fun, amazing, and just overall great. You get to work with El Pacas, pigs, horses, goats, and more. It is so great working with the animals because the animals themselves radiate happiness, and you can't help but be infected by their joy. There is still work to be done at the ranch, but the rewards are so much greater and the work is so much fun that it doesn't feel like work at all. In addition, when you are at the ranch, you can forget about yourself and just spend time with the animals. You can just be yourself. Certainly, I wasn't judged or anything like that; the animals as well the owners are kind and will take you as you are. For example, the first time I volunteered, I was really nervous about the ranch, but when I got there Kathryn was really nice and made me feel welcome. I knew from then on that I would go back to the Gress Mountain Ranch again and again. The Gress Mountain Ranch is really an amazing place. Working with the animals is really nice. It is really a great feeling, knowing that I am actually helping the animals. I know that I will always value this experience, and that I will never forget the animals on the ranch.

submitted on June 27, 2008 10:56 PM EST

Name: Jackie and Brittany

Comments: We recently went to Gress to volunteer, and it was an amazing experience. We have been looking for a place to get involved and this was perfect. Brittany got spat on my Andrew the Alpaca, and we got to lotion piggies, what more could you ask for in a perfect day on the ranch? We are REALLY looking forward to going back soon!!! The experience was one that has made our week, and volunteering at Gress will make our summer incredible.

submitted on June 14, 2008 3:48 PM EST

Name: Julia

Comments: Gress Mountain Ranch is one of the best experiences I've had in a long time. The animals are so happy, which makes me happy to see them. It's such a great feelng, knowing that by helping the animals, the animals will help people. Serisouly, who wouldn't love a goat named Sampson?

submitted on June 13, 2008 12:42 PM EST

Name: Dustin & Barb McCullough

Comments: Dustin wanted to do some community service, we have always worked with cat and dog rescue, we wanted to try farming, It was the GREATEST experience we have ever had, especially when Kathryn when she asked if we wanted to lotion the pigs, Pearl&Leroy, we looked at each other and said oh well. we laughed so hard. Ben & Kathryn take such great care of these animals they roam free and the goats are a pip. like 2 year olds. We did more pooping scooping, but the rewards of feeding and just getting to know the animals was worth its weight in gold (or shall i say poo) these animals and people need all the help they can get they have horses that need some meds that cost alot. It is not cheap to run a organization like this one with only 2 people. I f anyone can find it in there hearts to throw on some old shoes and help out or if you are a better organizer, try to raise money for Gress Mountain Ranch,especially children they have many resourses. Please go visit the ranch one time and like Dustin and I you will fall in love with the owners and all the animals......I PROMISE God BLess all that help those whom can not help themselves, they rely on us...

submitted on March 17, 2008 11:45 AM EST

Name: Benay Mugmon

Comments: I'm a volunteer with the Long Beach Humane Society and I heard from a friend what wonderful work you do and I wish to commend you.

submitted on February 5, 2008 3:34 PM EST

Name: Carol Acheson

Comments: My husband and I are animal lovers and appreciate what you are doing. Thank you for your work.

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