Here is Ziggafouse (Sir Purrs-Alot). Ziggy was born July 1994, and sadly died, at the age of 15 years on August 27, 2009.
Tribute to Ziggafouse
By Kathryn Gress
Ziggafouse was one of the original therapy animals that was the corner stone of Animal-Assisted Therapy with Brutus, the Great Pyreenes dog and Muchka, the Blue Persian cat. Ziggy has he was fondly called, was a Seal-Point Himalyan cat who's motto was: Don't Sweat the small stuff."Ziggy died peaceful and flew over the Rainbow Bridge after almost a year of chronic kidney failure. I ran IV peritoneal dialysis treatment 3x week with medication to keep Ziggy comfortable and enjoying life. Ziggy wore many hats and was well known for his devil's costume at Halloween & his Catasourus dinosaur outfit. Ziggy touched many people's hearts with the way he would "ziggy" fast across any tile floor. Ziggy was very kind and would purr loudly when he was near human beings, hence his name, Sir Purrs-Alot. K.G.