Here is Max at 6 months old. Max was a therapy kitten and had a big heart for people and animals. He was abandoned in Philly. His owner had a ‘human’ baby and threw out mother cat and kittens. Only Max survived. He had a large slice on his left shoulder, probably a knife wound. We adopted him October 7, 2006 and we were proud to have him join The Gress Family and our special therapy team of animals. A big “Thank you” to The Cat Shack and Theresa! Super Cat Rescue!
CLICK HERE to read an article about Max in the Morning Call
Memorial for Max, the Kitten
By Kathryn Gress
Death is difficult, for me, sudden death is very hard, and death in a young life is extremely hurtful for me as I write this memorial for Max, the kitten. Max, really was a cat, a young cat, whose life was swept away due to a fast moving car. Max, died, on Monday, 1/7/08.
This has been a struggle for me to write this, but I will try, to help put Max's soul at rest.
Max, was feline a domestic shorthaired, male with gray tabby patches on white who's birthday would have been 3/21/08, being just two years old. Max's story, where he was dumped in the trash as a young kitten and then stabbed in the shoulder, is heroic. Max, survived the rough streets of Philly.....and was rescued by some loving cat people.
Max, was adopted at 6 months of age to the Gress's from The Cat Shack. Max, was provided each day of his life, with the free run of The Gress Mountain Ranch's home, fresh water, wholesome food, clean litter boxes, wonderful people and animal company, and ever flowing river of people from all walks of life, meeting, and greeting Max. Max had good quality of life, well taken care and loved by many people, especially, K& B Gress.
Over and over, Max positively interacted with everyone from the smallest animals to the large plow horse Elle. Max liked the cockatiel birds where he sat on top of their cage,and would wave to them as they chirped loudly back to Max. Max,met the piggies, Pearl & LeRoy, and played with his good friend Elliot. Elliot, unfortunately, died early in Max's life due to a heart attack, leaving Max to join friendship with El Gato, the barn cat.
El Gato, was never allowed in the house when he was owned by his first owners. Kathryn, changed that right away, and encouraged El Gato to stay in the house with Max. Max, El Gato and Ziggafouse played and ran up and down the spiral staircase many times a day. But it was not enough for Max. Max, had a restless spirit, very lively, adventuresome, and would cry at the window, looking outside. Max, would pry open the blinds and scratch at the windows. Max, began to open the screen doors, and run out of the house early in the summer. Ben and I would be searching and calling and finally catch Max, flying in the air, running up a tree, or scampering on the yard.
Max, had the "Philadelphia freedom" spirit and wanted to be free. Max, did not have a mean bone in his body, and was very sweet, flipping over on his back and purring, and then kneading your legs, when he was ready for bed. Max, would jump on everyone's lap and look at them in the eyes, purr, and then nestle on their lap. Ben really liked Max. They would sit many a night together on Ben's chair.
Max helped his family, but many other people, who he didn't even know. Max, helped kids overcoming emotional and physical crisis. Max, provided some much needed quiet to some distraught children, who were very angry, anxious, and had much trouble paying attention at partial hospitalization program where I was an Animal-Assisted Therapy Specialist. This cat, Max, had the gift of healing for both people & animals. I knew that when I first met him at PetsMart, in Allentown, through the glass window of the store's adoption center for The Cat Shack. I touched the window and Max touched his paw on the window to my hand. There was magic that very day, and I knew Max, would make a wonderful addition to our family with Ben and all the animals at our sanctuary. Max could also take over where Mrs. Muchka left off as a therapy cat.
Max, along with Rocky, Kayla, Cotton, Pearl & LeRoy Piggy helped heal troubled hearts and calm anxious spirits. Max was a therapy cat that received National Recognition in the Purina Pro Plan Rally to Rescue Doing More for Pets Recognition Award 10/2007. Max helped me go to Los Angeles, California, take a trip for a few days with him, and meeting other special people and their animals that were making a difference in other's lives.
But Max, even on the trip, tried to escape and get out of the hotel room, tried to get out of the carry-on luggage, just to run and be free! Max, was curious, wanted to roam, and it was harder and harder, to keep Max in the house. Max would at times not even eat. He just cried to go outside, pawed at the door, tried to open the screen doors, pulled the blinds open, just to get out. Something inside Max was calling him, away from the house........There were times when folks would come to the door and the Gress's would answer the door, opening just enough for the people to come in, and Max would race out like lightening and be gone in a flash.
I would be worried sick, searching, with large search lights in the neighbors yards, calling in all hours of the night and morning, only to learn Max was staying out longer and longer......
On Sunday night, 1/6/08, I was taking Rocky and Kayla out on a leash to potty, and Max flew through the dogs legs and raced out the door. Max, was never seen again and would not come when we called him. I searched high and low, and then drove in my car around to find him.
The rest of my testimony gets even more hurtful for me, as I tell the remaining. Monday morning, I found Max with his beautiful gray beaded collar, one for a king, lying on the side of the road. My heart sank to my knees, my legs were shaking uncontrollably, my voice cracked, and my eyes welled up with the largest tears.Max, was hit by a car, head trauma, and was dead.......
I pride myself that these animals are entrusted to me and the care I provide and I know each and every animal I adopt or take into The Gress Mountain Ranch sanctuary. I want them to have a "forever home” and to live a long and happy life. I try my hardest to provide the best quality of care and the best possible life existence for Max but the reality is that sudden death still happens, Corky, my horse, Charles, my turkey, Red, the rabbit, even Elliot, and now Max. It was an accident.
I rethink this over, every day, since his death..."I could have kept him in the basement, locked him up, each and every moment, someone came to the door, or the door was opened...” Max, I know deep in my heart, would not have been happy. Max, will be surely missed, and we are all blessed for having known him. I pray that Max, will have peace and no pain, and I will too some day. The tears still stream down my face this day...K.G.