Spotlight on Volunteers
Spotlight on Volunteers
Tom Wingate, Be an Angel
Meet Tom Wingate from the Be An Angel Program from the Morning Call, in Allentown, Pa. “Tom, his wife Tammy, and their cat Miss Millie live in Lower Macungie Township. Tom is a native of southern Delaware (think beach), re-located to the Lehigh Valley in 1986, and has lived in Lower Macungie Township since 1991. Presently unemployed, Tom is a Results Driven Sales Professional with an extensive background in B2B sales and account/territory management.”
Tom, has picked up donated produce from local stores for TGMR animals. Tom Wingate is the "whole package", from his caring ways, to his friendly and inviting smile, to his perfection with manicuring the grounds maintenance with the pasture lands. Tom loves his "country" music and it can be heard all over the barn area. Tom's southern hospitality helps new people feel welcome and accepted into TGMR family.
Here is a nice smiling face of Tom Wingate, his smile and warm pleasant personality is so infectious. Tom is feeding the goats, and JoJo, the donkey, is definitely trying hard to get some of the delicious prepared food by Tom. Cecely, the other donkey is just watching on the other side.
There are times when special people, like Tom, step out on the scene. Their concerns reach beyond themselves, to others. Often, you Tom, go out of your way to help with our needs. And you know Tom, TGMR has alot of needs. And you are well-known for doing a good deed. While you have your own busy life to keep going, Sill your concern for others, keeps on showing.
It is so considerate for you to give of your time, And now your kindness continues to stay on my mind. Because I do appreciate what you are willing to do, I wanted to stop long enough to sincerely say, "Thanks You, Tom.!" Folks, like Tom, make this world a better place to live. KG
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Here is a great photo of Tom, feeding Katrina, left, Rascal Goat, middle, and Stewie, on the right of the photo. Sassy the pony manages to steal some too! The animals just "LOVE" Tom.