The Gress Mountain Ranch Wish List
The Gress Mountain Ranch Wish List
Everyday Items Always Needed
✤Iceberg lettuce for ducks and turkeys
✤ Mineral Oil (Leroy pig has to take it twice a day for the rest of his life)
✤ Timothy hay (for rabbits and guinea pigs)
✤ Pine shavings
✤ canned cat food
✤Hay Bale of Timothy and orchard grass.
✤Straw Bales for the Pot Belly Pigs (LeRoy & Pearl) and the bird group for bedding
✤Senior grain for the older horses, and 10%sweet feed for the other horses.
✤Fruit for the Pot Belly Pigs & horses-oranges, bananas, apples and carrots
✤Parakeet millet sprays and cuttle bones, also Romaine lettuce, parsley and endive.
✤Cheerios, Raisin bran, Shredded Wheat cereals and crackers for the goats and pigs.
✤Kale and Green Leaf lettuce, carrots and Quaker oats for the rabbits
✤Iceberg Lettuce for the turkeys and ducks
✤Produce for all the animals, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash
✤Timothy Hay in bags for the rabbits and guinea pigs.
✤Purina dried cat food and moist food
✤Scoop Away cat litter
✤Pine shavings for the horses and the inside animals
✤Tissues, toilette paper, paper towels, hand wipes
Special Things Needed
✤Applesauce & peanut butter for giving medications
✤Apple, Cranberry and/or Orange Juices for giving meds to the horses & pigs
✤Chewable Vitamin C tablets and mineral oil for the Pot Belly Pig
Large Items Needed
✤Tractor Supply Gift Cards (in any Amount) – for LeRoy’s mini pot-bellied food, horse supplies, pine shavings
✤Truck and New/Used Trailer – large enough to transport the alpacas, horses and goats safely to educational workshops, vet visits and parades.
Every donation helps us help people and animals.
The Gress Mountain Ranch depends on funding by the co-founders and donations from the public. We receive no government or state monies.
Donation amount: ______________________________
Donated by: __________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone # _____________________________________
This donation is dedicated to: ______________________
Does your employer match donations? Y N
If Yes, please supply name & address of employer:
✂_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _✂
Donations can be made to The Gress Mountain Ranch 3264 Highland Road Orefield, PA 18069 610 398-2122, Please call or email for an appointment. Monetary donations can be made through Paypal or by check or money order.